Friday 23 November 2012

My first fragrance advert.
Slide 2-My advertisement targets women aged 16-45+. It promises beauty, self- confidence, sweetness and yet sophistication.•My target buyer is a young woman looking for romance. She's likely to pay a lot of attention to her appearance and spend money on buying beautiful things.
•My target buyer see’s herself as vulnerable but hopeful of romance but would like a man to come and sweep her off her feet. She see’s herself as a princess figure.
•My dream holiday would be Paris, somewhere were she can find eligible men and also somewhere that she can shop for fashion related items.

Thursday 8 November 2012


Research- I have researched fragrance slogans:
No bottles to break – just hearts.
I am made of blue sky and golden light, and I will feel this way forever…share the fantasy.-Chanel No. 5

Do You Dare?-Curious

So delicate. So Beautiful.-Estée Lauder Beautiful

Share the fantasy-CHANEL

Never resist the call of the game-Lacoste Challenge

The greatest freedom is to believe in yourself -Britney Spears Believe

Dkny- Be Delicious

Especially Escada- Create your world of happiness

Beyonce- Heat- Catching the fever

Planning: I have transformed some exotic, sophisticated, glamorous, foreign names.BelloPreciosoBelissimoEres BellaGet carried awayThe personal touch
Feel precious
Be noticed
Feel perfect, smell precious
Feel enchanted
for perfect momenrs

Friday 5 October 2012
This is my moving imagine advert, Beyonce Heat 2010.

My third choice is the Moving advert, Heat by Beyonce. I chose this as I think it was very well chosen to pick Beyonce as a celebrity endorsement as she is very well known by everyone, so therefore when you see/hear this advert you will know its her and can bring more interest to the advert. In this advert Beyonce is seen to firstly be walking and she starts to feel a wall and suddenly a wave of heat is reflected off the wall from her where her hands had just been, this shows us that the perfume can give you something special which you can only do if you have this perfume. The color of the bottle and the dress she is wearing, the flowers and also the wall are all red, red symbollises love and passion.

My second choice is the 1992 Dior Dune fragrance
This is my favorite advert out of the three because it shows how free the women looks. Her hair isn't perfectly styled and dried, she feels free and is controlling herself, this is showing if you have this perfume then you will feel great and free. She is confident as she is lying on the beach on her own not wearing much to cover her body, her skin is on show which shows she doesn't care what other people think so she is bold composed and collected. You can see the light shinning on her body very clearly which makes it appealing. All the colours in this are quite similar, the colour of her skin is very similar to the colour of her body, and the colour of her clothing is almost the same colour as the sky.  This is very different to the first advert I picked, Chanel 1956. Its different because In the first advert (Chanel) its showing the perfume as a present given, as a 'christmas valentine' gift. Unalike the second one (Dior) which is more about women being able to be free and wild

My third choice is the 1956 Chanel advert

I think this is a very good advertisement, Its great because we get a good view of the purfume bottle
1-SEES HERself as a part of a happy romantic couple, smiling the idea of a women who needs a man, hiding her face in his shoulder, chanel at christmas will be the perfect gift at christmas as it symbolises a perfect romance -sucsess, happyness, mean being part of a romantic duo
2-romance, winter wonderland, it works through creating a fantasy enviromnet of wonder beauty and purity
-white christmas, emotional attatchment
3- not wearing revealing clothes, represnted as innocent, long length, snow on her coat,

This is one of my favourite advertisments because it shows an innocent women as a part of a happy romantic couple. The women is smiling and looks happy and sweet. 

I think that this is a very good advertisement, Its great because we get a good view of the perfume bottle so we automatically know which perfume it is. This advertisement shows a women who see's herself as a part of a happy romantic couple. She is smiling and hiding her face in his shoulder which shows that she comes across as a women who needs a man. 

Wednesday 26 September 2012


In today's media lesson we talked about our airline and car adverts at the beginning and went through all the different ones that we chose, I discovered that the British airways advert that I chose was very popular and many people liked it. We then went on and Mrs Mann told us that we could make our own twitter accounts and follow people in the media world like she does. I created mine and next lesson I will start to use it and follow people on it. After we Mrs Mann gave us some peoples exam work, We did this so we would know how to do it when we had to for our exam. We looked at comparing different companies and how to explain what a picture for advertisement means. I found it interesting looking at what other people had done so I got a feel for the kind of stuff that I should be writting when Its my turn to do it.

British Airways advert and BMW advert.

Out of both of these adverts I preferred the British Airways advert, I prefer it because Its more fun and relates to something that I'm interested in. (Olympics) I found it fun to watch because a lot of different thinks where happening at the same time, and you saw many different people and they where all doing varied things, where as in the BMW M5 advert was very boring, didn't have any speaking and hardly any music, I found this very boring and didn't make me feel like I wanted to buy the car.

In the first advert (British Airways) The music was really upbeat and at the start of the advert you already have a good feeling, The advert starts with the Pilot sorting out the electronics above her on the plane, it then goes onto a member of the cabin crew talking to a passenger and there both smiling, they have very positive energy. This positive energy continues throughout the whole advert which is one of the main things that I like about it. The camera then goes onto the outside of the plane and shows a very clear view of the name on the side of the airoplane 'BRITISH AIRWAYS.' You then think that the airoplane is going to take off into the sky but suddenly it starts to go through the city of London, it goes through the motor way first, then around a round about, then past big ben, tower brigde, the london eye, the shard, then you have a bit of humor in the advert because you see a girl not wearing any clothes walking along outside of her house and then the plan goes by and a little boy is looking out of the window and the mum has to close his window with the shutter, also then the seatbelt sign goes on just as they go over a small bump, which is also showing some humor. You then see a little girl getting the union jack painted on her face and other people paining the British flag on a peice of paper making a poster. You then get another view of the sign British Airways, as they pull up into london. You then see everyone smiling as you see the Olympic Stadium and you see the Team GB sign. This is very effective and very well presented because everyone knows about the olympics so it was a good idea for them to have the Olympics related in there advert.
Here is the link:
Here is the link:

I found this advert very boring, It hardly has any speaking or music and didn't make me feel like I wanted to buy this car. I thought the only good thing about this was the fact that It zoomed in to the 'BMW' logo a lot which made us very sure of the brand. I found this advert too boring and wanted to exist a few seconds after it started. The whole advert is just a car driving down a road, there's no acting or people or showing anything interesting. I decided that I preferred  the first advert as it had a lot more fun and activeness and made me want to watch more as it was more interesting.

Thursday 20 September 2012

Lucozade and Lara Croft.

Lara croft was in the 2009 lucozade advert. I don’t think this was the best advert that lucozade has ever created. I found it quite boring. The link to the video is here: video starts with her running through a tunnel which doesn’t have much lighting; she is being chased by ruthless dogs. She then reaches a dead end which is a cliff, the camera shows that it is a LONG way down. She then stops and panics, but she is still able to keep calm because that is how she is shows as in her video games. She then has an idea, and goes to her backpack which has some food inside of it, she takes the food and the camera shows her food in the bag, she goes though items such as chocolate and coke and then suddenly comes across a Lucozade bottle Since this is a Lucozade advert its obvious that she is going to choose the Lucozade, which she does. She drinks the drink and then feels the energy, she then hisses at the dogs and acts as if she is an animal, and because she is hissing it would be a cat. She then is brave enough to jump off the cliff, however the dogs then follow her, You then see on the screen that Lara is hanging onto a stone which is coming out of the cliff, this shows us that she was clever enough to trick the dogs into thinking she had jumped off but instead she is hanging on to a piece of stone, She then gets up back onto the ledge and holds the Lucozade and the Slogan comes on the screen which is ‘The Refreshing Glucose Drink.’ I like one of the other adverts which is the last one because it shows two different sides, and some people are normal and some people are cartoon. It was very cleverly filmed and one of my favourites, I found this much more entertaining than the first one. I think its very smart and shows Lucozade a lot better than the first one.

Wednesday 19 September 2012


Media Homework 14/09/12
Lucozade Adverts and Info on the company.

Lucozade is the UK’s leading sports drink It was introduced in 1927 and its country of origin is United Kingdom., It was been scientifically developed to contain glucose, carbohydrates fluid and electrolytes which helps fuel muscles and maintain hydration.  The range of Lucozade is marketed to a certain type of people, this type of people is people who have a very active lifestyle and need the energy, and people who enjoy sport or any other physical activities.
There are a lot of different flavours of lucozade and lots of different styles. Examples of this would be Lucozade sport, Lucozade sport light, Lucozade energy, sports nutrition and Lucozade revive. Some of the flavour examples would be Rasperry, Orange and Lime.
One of the head coaches in Atheletics called Charles Van Comenee said : "Athletes at all levels, be they elite sprinters trying to break 10 seconds for 100m or regular club runners trying to break 40 minutes for 10k, will find Lucozade's high-quality products can play a significant part in helping them reach their goals".This shows us that Lucozade is a very popular drink for athletes and very important to them because it gives them the energy that they need.

The most recent Lucozade avert was the ‘Lucozade 2012 advert Mo farah Faster, Stronger, For longer’ Advert. The title of this advert is very effective because it has a slogan ‘Faster, Stronger for longer’ I think this is a good slogan because it rhymes and its simple and tells you that if you drink Lucozade you will be able to run faster, be stronger and have that power for a long period of time.
Link to this advert:
The beginning of this advert is good because it starts with a close up view of the lucozade bottle being used by Mo Farah. I Think its good that they have used a celebrity in there advert because they are trying to put a message across that If you drink this drink you will be Like Mo Farrah and you will be able to fun as fast as Mo Farrah. Obviously this isn’t true but this is what they are trying to get across to the views so that more people will be interested and will want to buy the drink.  Also the slogan represents Mo Farah very well because Mo is a long distance runner therefore he needs to stay ‘Faster, Stronger, for Longer’ because he will need that long lasting energy so I think that the fact they casted Mo to be in this advert is very clever.
The advert starts of very slow and in slow motion and there is no music in the background so you can focus on mo farah. But later on the advert itself and mo farah speeds up and this shows that Lucozade can give you that extra boost of energy to do well. In the background of the advert theres a harsh voice saying that you need to hydrate fast and you need to replace the electrolytes that you loose when you sweat and lucozade will help you do that. It also then repeats the slogan ‘you need the energy to take you faster stronger for longer’

This is another think to another lucozade advert from 1996

I think that the brand is trying to show people that  Lucozade will give you energy that can make you do extra ordinary things. In the second advert you see a girl fly in the air to a cat which is extra ordinary something that only lucozade could do to you.

Friday 14 September 2012

Media Homework. 7/09/12
 In today’s lesson we learnt about advertisement and we focused on the Coca Cola commercial called ‘I wish’ In this advert I learnt that the point that is supposed to come across is that when the girl hands Coca Cola to everyone they are happy, its meant to show that coke makes people happy and brings joy and brings people together as one. In this it shows the girl giving out Coke bottles to complete strangers and they appreciate it and drink it and then become happy, it shows love caring and joy. Earlier on in the lesson we learnt how Coke was associated with Christmas. I had noticed this before because of the colours of red and white. We looked at a poster which had snow flakes and Santa on it and a bottle of Coca Cola with a red ribbon on it, showing that coke was a gift given which also relates to the ‘I wish;’ advert, it shows that Coke is something good and a present that people would want to receive! We then learnt that it was hard for Coke to sell in winter because in winter the temperature gets lower and people will stop purchasing cold fizzy drinks and will focus more on hot drinks, therefore coke has to make some sort of association with Christmas to make sure they still get a lot of customers. Another thing would be that they use celebrities in there advert to come across as if they are saying if you drink ths you will be like a celebrity, we talked about james bond as an example of this because it attracts more viewers because they want to be like them and also because they recognize them or like them.