Wednesday 19 September 2012


Media Homework 14/09/12
Lucozade Adverts and Info on the company.

Lucozade is the UK’s leading sports drink It was introduced in 1927 and its country of origin is United Kingdom., It was been scientifically developed to contain glucose, carbohydrates fluid and electrolytes which helps fuel muscles and maintain hydration.  The range of Lucozade is marketed to a certain type of people, this type of people is people who have a very active lifestyle and need the energy, and people who enjoy sport or any other physical activities.
There are a lot of different flavours of lucozade and lots of different styles. Examples of this would be Lucozade sport, Lucozade sport light, Lucozade energy, sports nutrition and Lucozade revive. Some of the flavour examples would be Rasperry, Orange and Lime.
One of the head coaches in Atheletics called Charles Van Comenee said : "Athletes at all levels, be they elite sprinters trying to break 10 seconds for 100m or regular club runners trying to break 40 minutes for 10k, will find Lucozade's high-quality products can play a significant part in helping them reach their goals".This shows us that Lucozade is a very popular drink for athletes and very important to them because it gives them the energy that they need.

The most recent Lucozade avert was the ‘Lucozade 2012 advert Mo farah Faster, Stronger, For longer’ Advert. The title of this advert is very effective because it has a slogan ‘Faster, Stronger for longer’ I think this is a good slogan because it rhymes and its simple and tells you that if you drink Lucozade you will be able to run faster, be stronger and have that power for a long period of time.
Link to this advert:
The beginning of this advert is good because it starts with a close up view of the lucozade bottle being used by Mo Farah. I Think its good that they have used a celebrity in there advert because they are trying to put a message across that If you drink this drink you will be Like Mo Farrah and you will be able to fun as fast as Mo Farrah. Obviously this isn’t true but this is what they are trying to get across to the views so that more people will be interested and will want to buy the drink.  Also the slogan represents Mo Farah very well because Mo is a long distance runner therefore he needs to stay ‘Faster, Stronger, for Longer’ because he will need that long lasting energy so I think that the fact they casted Mo to be in this advert is very clever.
The advert starts of very slow and in slow motion and there is no music in the background so you can focus on mo farah. But later on the advert itself and mo farah speeds up and this shows that Lucozade can give you that extra boost of energy to do well. In the background of the advert theres a harsh voice saying that you need to hydrate fast and you need to replace the electrolytes that you loose when you sweat and lucozade will help you do that. It also then repeats the slogan ‘you need the energy to take you faster stronger for longer’

This is another think to another lucozade advert from 1996

I think that the brand is trying to show people that  Lucozade will give you energy that can make you do extra ordinary things. In the second advert you see a girl fly in the air to a cat which is extra ordinary something that only lucozade could do to you.

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