Wednesday 26 September 2012

British Airways advert and BMW advert.

Out of both of these adverts I preferred the British Airways advert, I prefer it because Its more fun and relates to something that I'm interested in. (Olympics) I found it fun to watch because a lot of different thinks where happening at the same time, and you saw many different people and they where all doing varied things, where as in the BMW M5 advert was very boring, didn't have any speaking and hardly any music, I found this very boring and didn't make me feel like I wanted to buy the car.

In the first advert (British Airways) The music was really upbeat and at the start of the advert you already have a good feeling, The advert starts with the Pilot sorting out the electronics above her on the plane, it then goes onto a member of the cabin crew talking to a passenger and there both smiling, they have very positive energy. This positive energy continues throughout the whole advert which is one of the main things that I like about it. The camera then goes onto the outside of the plane and shows a very clear view of the name on the side of the airoplane 'BRITISH AIRWAYS.' You then think that the airoplane is going to take off into the sky but suddenly it starts to go through the city of London, it goes through the motor way first, then around a round about, then past big ben, tower brigde, the london eye, the shard, then you have a bit of humor in the advert because you see a girl not wearing any clothes walking along outside of her house and then the plan goes by and a little boy is looking out of the window and the mum has to close his window with the shutter, also then the seatbelt sign goes on just as they go over a small bump, which is also showing some humor. You then see a little girl getting the union jack painted on her face and other people paining the British flag on a peice of paper making a poster. You then get another view of the sign British Airways, as they pull up into london. You then see everyone smiling as you see the Olympic Stadium and you see the Team GB sign. This is very effective and very well presented because everyone knows about the olympics so it was a good idea for them to have the Olympics related in there advert.
Here is the link:
Here is the link:

I found this advert very boring, It hardly has any speaking or music and didn't make me feel like I wanted to buy this car. I thought the only good thing about this was the fact that It zoomed in to the 'BMW' logo a lot which made us very sure of the brand. I found this advert too boring and wanted to exist a few seconds after it started. The whole advert is just a car driving down a road, there's no acting or people or showing anything interesting. I decided that I preferred  the first advert as it had a lot more fun and activeness and made me want to watch more as it was more interesting.

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