Thursday 20 September 2012

Lucozade and Lara Croft.

Lara croft was in the 2009 lucozade advert. I don’t think this was the best advert that lucozade has ever created. I found it quite boring. The link to the video is here: video starts with her running through a tunnel which doesn’t have much lighting; she is being chased by ruthless dogs. She then reaches a dead end which is a cliff, the camera shows that it is a LONG way down. She then stops and panics, but she is still able to keep calm because that is how she is shows as in her video games. She then has an idea, and goes to her backpack which has some food inside of it, she takes the food and the camera shows her food in the bag, she goes though items such as chocolate and coke and then suddenly comes across a Lucozade bottle Since this is a Lucozade advert its obvious that she is going to choose the Lucozade, which she does. She drinks the drink and then feels the energy, she then hisses at the dogs and acts as if she is an animal, and because she is hissing it would be a cat. She then is brave enough to jump off the cliff, however the dogs then follow her, You then see on the screen that Lara is hanging onto a stone which is coming out of the cliff, this shows us that she was clever enough to trick the dogs into thinking she had jumped off but instead she is hanging on to a piece of stone, She then gets up back onto the ledge and holds the Lucozade and the Slogan comes on the screen which is ‘The Refreshing Glucose Drink.’ I like one of the other adverts which is the last one because it shows two different sides, and some people are normal and some people are cartoon. It was very cleverly filmed and one of my favourites, I found this much more entertaining than the first one. I think its very smart and shows Lucozade a lot better than the first one.

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